
Where everyone is anonymous... except me... kinda... ;)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Club Med, Take Me Away...

Has anyone else seen those Club Med ads that say things like "Life needs you to make room for someone to sit next to you. Life wants to see pictures of your 6 month old niece." These freakin' ads (which I have seen in on the subway) make me have to fight from bawling like a baby in front of all the other sufferers of rush hour. They paint such a picture of a utopia where everyone is nice and kind and considerate... and then I realize they're trying to sell me something. Granted, I had a couple of AWESOME vacations with the lovely Club Med people as a kid with my parents, but still: no resort is so great and powerful as to be able to make everyone nicer people upon arriving on their island... yet! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I wouldn't say those kinds of ads make me bawl like a baby (I'm just not that sentimental..well..maybe I am and it's just that I've never been to Club Med), I completely agree with you. People go on these wonderful vacations. They step off the plane, put work and the stress of life behind them and are instantly nice, friendlier people. They spend a week or 10 days being that wonderful stress free person. Then they come back to NYC, step off the plane at JFK, and it's back to more friendly hellos, constantly complaining, etc. There is a lesson to be learned here. WE are those people. WE are the ones enjoying life when we can take a vacation from it and then coming back and exuding anger and misery. How about we all take a minute to pretend like life is one big vacation. Whether we like it or not, we all made the choices that got us to where we are today. So just suck it up and smile...either be happy with the choices you made or do what you can to change them and be happy that you have the sane mind to do something about it.

5:04 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! So whenever I see these ads (and lots of times when I don't), I just try to be grateful that while I may not be on vacation, that doesn't mean I should be grumpy & rude. =) Vacations are great, but there's no place like home!

7:31 AM  

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