
Where everyone is anonymous... except me... kinda... ;)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Writing Back

Dear Lynette,
I cannot tell you how happy I was to get your letter- I was beginning to fear I wouldn’t hear back from you! I had no patience for handwriting today, I had to type, because I type so much faster than I write. First let me say that while you may think the play makes you look like a fool I CERTAINLY DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A FOOL AT ALL. And I will do my best to portray you as anything but.
I think you are right, I think Bravin wanted to do anything but trash you, I think he truly admired your ability to love and the way you see the world. I think he was trying to show how misunderstood you were, and I want to do the same.
I’m glad to hear that Rachel had it all wrong about you. She was so young when she knew you anyway, what do any of us really understand at that age? We find people to look up to, rarely knowing who they really are.
It’s amazing how people think that just because a woman is joyful, loving, sensitive, and positive, seeing the good in things and in nature, and even in others that somehow that makes her weak. I think it is the opposite. I think it takes amazing strength and courage to love and see the beauty in the world when there is so much hate and ugliness too. Without love this world would not have survived all that has happened in the past decade… and I certainly would not have. And I have to tell you, I love learning about you and playing you. Forget the dialogue for a moment, I think the song is truly beautiful and fills me with such emotion I sometimes tremble when singing it, and one time I felt like I pulled a muscle in my stomach, I felt the love and the desperation so strongly.
I will write more soon. Can I send you stationary? Did they let you keep the paper and envelopes I sent you? I would really love to get many more letters from you if you would consider writing to me more…


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