A Question of Morals?
I never thought I’d agree so vehemently with the NY Post, but I guess there’s a first time for everything:
“NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Post endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday, calling him an "untried candidate" but a preferable alternative to the newspaper's home state senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton and her husband, the former president, "stand for deja vu all over again — a return to the opportunistic, scandal-scarred, morally muddled years of the almost infinitely self-indulgent Clinton co-presidency," the paper wrote. . . The Post endorsed Sen. Clinton's re-election bid in 2006, calling her a "pretty good senator." But the paper took a sharply different tone when weighing her prospects as a presidential candidate.
"A return to Senator Clinton's cattle-futures deal, Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, the Lincoln Bedroom Fire Sale, Pardongate — and the inevitable replay of the Monica Mess? No, thank you," the paper wrote.
Obama "has the ability to inspire," the paper added.”
I am truly an Obama girl, as you can tell from previous posts, and pretty much since I turned 18 I’ve been a staunch Democrat. But I guess since I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten a little more conservative… or maybe my moral compass has just gotten stronger. Either way, if it comes down to Hillary or McCain, I’ll be voting Republican for the first time in my life.