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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

R.I.P. Heath

"At the time of his death, Ledger had just finished playing the villain The Joker in "The Dark Knight," the latest installment in the Batman series. The film is to open in July.

The role disturbed him, according to The Associated Press. He called The Joker a "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."

"Last week, I probably slept an average of two hours a night," Ledger told The New York Times. "I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going."

He said prescription sleeping pills didn't help, according to AP.

"It was a very great challenge for Heath," director Christopher Nolan told AP. "He's extremely original, extremely frightening, tremendously edgy. A very young character, a very anarchic presence that taps into a lot of our basic fears and panic." "

I'm not blaming acting or the movie for this beautiful young man's death, but I know how easy it is to go a little crazy when you're playing a crazy person and let the madness of the fiction of a role keep you up at night... I hope he can find peace now.

My heart goes out to his family, especially his little girl.


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