
Where everyone is anonymous... except me... kinda... ;)

Friday, October 13, 2006

3rd Letter from Squeaky

(written on a card she made herself, pictured here. On the back of the card it said "Alien on Earth")


I have two undated letters from you that I want to answer but I’ve just whacked my hand against the metal frame of my bed and really ought to get some ice.
Phillip Shelton is the name of the man I never trusted. Maybe you didn’t get that far yet. He was the private investigator-a creepy sort. I never liked him and made no secret of it. His chapter is one of vengeance.
Yes, Rachel didn’t mean harm; it just surprised me to read what she thought she experienced and heard. If she was taking license it was in the interest of explaining my actions.
I have not heard the song you sing [in the show]. Have you got a copy of the lyrics?
Is your hair red?
You should by now have received the returned stationary and envelopes you send me and I’m sure I would have liked then because what I’ve seen of your selections, I like your taste.
Did I happen to mention that I don’t squeak when I talk or laugh? I’m just ticklish. Lyn, Lynette, Red… all those I answer to. I answer to Squeaky only to explain that nobody calls me that. Squeaky is a part of me but she came from the heart of an old man and still lives there.
Yes I did purposely leave a bullet on my apt. floor instead of in the chamber of the 45 after checking the loading mechanism (the slide). I wanted to be safe and certain. I hadn’t decided one way or another what to do about negligent pollution of air and waterways and the OCEAN which does its best to filter and clean all we put into it that does not decompose. I did not feel reckless or suicidal rather as calm and sure as faith itself. I felt like I could do nothing but use all at hand to call for attention toward Earth. I realize that the attention ended up on me in the most unflattering of ways but I do feel that between the two of us, Blue and I got a little bit done, became part of a growing concern for Earth. I know that conditions are not much better now if not worse. We can’t force people to want to live. But I could leave this planet now and not feel that I totally failed it or succeeding generations who will hold us responsible. So no, I don’t regret that.
I’ll continue on another letter.
Can you throw the words air, water and animals into the play?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ask out of TOTAL curiosity - IF she insists that nobody calls her Squeaky, why do you keep referring to her as such in your headlines and emails and such?
Is it about seperating the iconic figure you're portraying from the real person with whom you're now in contact?

6:12 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

Maybe subconciously it is, but for the purposes of my blog, I just didn't want to confuse anyone that might not be paying close attention ;)

I still refer to myself as Squeaky in reference to the show/my role-- I like the nickname-- but rest assured, in my letters to her I never call her that.

11:43 AM  

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