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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Totally Boss

Saw “Juno” again tonight. Loved it even more the second time around. Psyched to say the fiancé loved it too! It makes me so happy when he loves things I love; after all, “He is the cheese to my macaroni.” I think it’s official… I have baby fever! =D No, I can wait a bit longer. Lord knows we've got to get a bigger apartment first. But I am so excited for us to be parents; I swear we are going to rock so hard!!! Seriously, we talk about it all the time.

I am also reminded what a wonderful, glorious, magical thing adoption can be. I can’t wait for us to have a baby of our own, but if for some reason we can’t, I know we will find people out there who want us to take care of their little one as much as we want to take care of him or her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Kid:

I loved it for tons of reasons, and it's a good script to begin with.
It's not anti-abortion, but it is pro-choice. The kid had alternatives, and she made her own choice(s), and her parents didn't throw her out.

Love, DAD

9:13 PM  

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