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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Why does she keep dodging this?

Chelsea Clinton keeps dodging questions about her dad’s infidelity, claiming it is “none of [our] business.” I do not believe this is the case, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Slick Willy cheated, not only while he was president, but while he was actually, physically, IN the oval office!!! Instead of acting so shocked at questions regarding the Lewinsky scandal, Chelsea should acknowledge that what he did was wrong and that he and Hil Dog have moved passed it and are happy now, or something like that. (Even if no one believes it!) All this dodging is not doing her or her mother any good. But hopefully, it will help Obama!

On a more personal note, I know it must be humiliating to have the whole world know your father did something so disrespectful and tasteless, but denying it and backing away from the issue makes her seem more ashamed. She should own up to it, be proud of the fact that she and her mother haven’t done anything so tacky, and get over it (and encourage the rest of the world to do so too). I myself cannot get over it; I think Hil should have left him, but some voters might disagree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to firmly disagree with you. I think Chelsea's handling herself with dignity and none of us is owed any kind of explanation about any of it.

As someone whose parent was a victim of infidelity (and the husband, while not a president, was a local celebrity and former candidate for elected office)- no one is owed any kind of explanation as to how it affected her or what it did to her life or about what decisions she made regarding her marriage. If someone asked me that question, I would not handle it as well as Chelsea. And, no my mother is not running for office, but it's still no one's business.

Both Hillary and Bill have addressed this in their books. Why Chelsea needs to be badgered about it is beyond me.


4:42 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

I also have a parent who was a victim of infidelity and the husband was a local celebrity. And if it had made the news because he had done it while ON THE JOB I would think it WAS other people's business. Bill Clinton was not a man with a 9-5 job who clocked out and went to a hotel to have an affair. He was in the oval office getting serviced when he should have been servicing the country. What if a missle crisis or terrorist attack had happened while Monica was under his desk? Would he have had the presence of mind to focus and do what was best for our country?

Bill's case is unlike any other case. I feel for you and your mother's situation-- it is much like mine-- but it is very different from the Clintons' and therefore should be treated differently and addressed differently in public.

Also consider what the first student who asked Chelsea said; this could have been a perfect time to talk about Hil's strength, dignity and perserverence. It also could've been a great opportunity to talk about how Bill has changed. I think the way Chelsea handled it makes it seem as if Bill is still fooling around and Chelsea is still ashamed of him.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your parents as well, but I still disagree.

I just don't think Chelsea or Hillary need to be the ones to address it. Bill was the one who f-ed up- let him answer the question. He certainly won't shut up about other stuff in this campaign. And, again, the whole thing has been addressed in their books and interviews. If someone wants an answer, they can easily head to those sources.

To ask Chelsea, who was a teenager when it happened, seems crass and disrespectful to me.

I also disagree that because they're both in a public position or because it happened while he was on the job, her pain is our business. Did Bill Clinton owe people an explanation? Absolutely. What he did was grossly irresponsible. A woman who'd been lied to, probably gaslighted and humiliated in public- not so much, in my opinion.

I also didn't like the suggestion in the question- who would actually believe that her credibility would be hurt by her husband's bad acts and her decision to stay in the marriage? How awful. Question her credibility for whatever else, but come on.

I also think it's just serving to distract us all from what's actually at stake in this election, just like Obama's pastor.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

I hear ya. And I totally agree on that last point.

I guess I just don't want her to be ashamed and she seems to be. I want her to be strong and proud, which she is on just about every other subject!

9:30 AM  

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